Colossians 2:16: Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible
The following is from Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Adam Clarke, LL.D., F.S.A., (1715-1832).
Or of the Sabbath days - Greek, “of the Sabbaths.” The word Sabbath in the Old Testament is applied not only to the seventh day, but to all the days of holy rest that were observed by the Hebrews, and particularly to the beginning and close of their great festivals. There is, doubtless, reference to those days in this place, since the word is used in the plural number, and the apostle does not refer particularly to the Sabbath properly so called. There is no evidence from this passage that he would teach that there was no obligation to observe any holy time, for there is not the slightest reason to believe that he meant to teach that one of the ten commandments had ceased to be binding on mankind. If he had used the word in the singular number - “the Sabbath,” it would then, of course, have been clear that he meant to teach that that commandment had ceased to be binding, and that a Sabbath was no longer to be observed. But the use of the term in the plural number, and the connection, show that he had his eye on the great number of days which were observed by the Hebrews as festivals, as a part of their ceremonial and typical law, and not to the moral law, or the Ten Commandments. No part of the moral law - no one of the ten commandments could be spoken of as “a shadow of good things to come.” These commandments are, from the nature of moral law, of perpetual and universal obligation. See Colossians 2:16 for more.
18 May 2006Entry 1 Posted by Geoff L. | 0 comments
Colossians 2:16: Adam Clarke’s Commentary
The following is from Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible - Albert Barnes (1798-1870).
Let no man - judge you in meat, or in drink - The apostle speaks here in reference to some particulars of the hand-writing of ordinances, which had been taken away, viz., the distinction of meats and drinks, what was clean and what unclean, according to the law; and the necessity of observing certain holydays or festivals, such as the new moons and particular sabbaths, or those which should be observed with more than ordinary solemnity; all these had been taken out of the way and nailed to the cross, and were no longer of moral obligation. There is no intimation here that the Sabbath was done away, or that its moral use was superseded, by the introduction of Christianity. I have shown elsewhere that, Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, is a command of perpetual obligation, and can never be superseded but by the final termination of time. As it is a type of that rest which remains for the people of God, of an eternity of bliss, it must continue in full force till that eternity arrives; for no type ever ceases till the antitype be come. Besides, it is not clear that the apostle refers at all to the Sabbath in this place, whether Jewish or Christian; his σαββατων, of sabbaths or weeks, most probably refers to their feasts of weeks, of which much has been said in the notes on the Pentateuch.
18 May 2006Entry 1 Posted by Geoff L. | 0 comments
Colossians 2:16: The Daily of Daniel 8:11
“The daily” of Daniel 8:11 is part of the repeat and expand of Daniel 9:24, 9:27; and 11:22. This “daily” is also part of the 490 year/day prophecy and is something that was taken away by Jesus, “By” the “Him” of Daniel 8:11. (KJV; NKJV; Webster 1833; Interlinear Bible). When we compare Daniel 8:11; 9:24-26 and 9:27, we see a pattern of repeat and expand that reveals the identity of “the daily” of Daniel 8, verse 11.
Daniel 8:11 |
Daniel 9:24-26 |
Daniel 9:27 |
The daily |
Sin offerings |
Sacrifices and oblations |
Taken away |
Ended |
Ceased |
By Jesus |
By Jesus |
By Jesus |
Sanctuary destroyed |
Holy city cut off |
Consummation |
Paul informs us that, these services were growing old, Hebrews 8:13 and that they were nailed to Jesus cross, Colossians 2:14. The only person who could take away these ordinances was the person who fulfilled them, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. When He went to the cross, He took the handwritings that were against us and contrary to us, out of the way, nailing them to His cross, with His dead body. Both Daniel and Paul reveal that “the daily” of Daniel 8:11 is a reference to the ceremonial laws and ordinances of the earthly temple that were replaced with better ordinances, the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper, Matthew 26:26-27.
“The handwriting of ordinances, the ceremonial services, (that) were nailed to the cross,” Colossians 2:16, included “the law of commandments contained in ordinances.” Ephesians 2:15, “which was a figure for the time.” Hebrews 9:9. The meat and drink, that Paul speaks of in Colossians 2:16, is referring to the meat and drink offerings of Leviticus 23:18, (and many other Old Testament verses) that were a shadow “of the (better) things to come;” the better sacrifice, the better High Priest, and the better heavenly temple. This identification and application of “the daily” of Daniel 8:11 is consistent with Jesus words to His disciples when He said, “Behold your house is left unto you desolate,” Matthew 23:38; 27:51, and regarding the temple, “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Matthew 24:2.
Comment 1: While I agree that the general viewpoint given here is correct on the Colossians 2:16 passage, the daily is not the ordinances. Daniel 8:9-13 makes it abundantly clear that the “little horn” is what takes away the daily and “it cast down the truth to the ground”, and this is unmistakably NOT Christ. There are many viewpoints on what the daily is, but the majority of theologians agree that the daily was not taken away by Jesus and is not related to the ordinances. - Stephen R.
22 November 2007Entry 9 Posted by Ranald McLeish | 1 comment
Colossians 2:16: Contributors title goes here.
If you would like to contribute then we would like to hear your thoughts on this Bible passage. You can submit your article from the submit page. Please try to keep them to a reasonable size as per the first item on page one.
So here is where each persons thoughts are going to go on what they believe the Bible teaches on the passage on Colossians 2:16. To the left here will be a photo of each contributor for a personal touch.
Colossians 2:14-17 “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.”
January 01, 2007Entry 10 Posted by Your Name goes here | 12 comments